Wednesday, February 22, 2012

South Carolina Vacation

Me, Mommy and Daddy took our first vacation as a family of three from February 18-25. We headed to Murrell's Inlet in South Carolina which is right outside of Myrtle Beach.  Pawpaw met us down there the same day that we arrived, but Mawmaw came a few days later because she was taking care of Mawmaw Deck.  We were all super excited to enjoy this time together, but the night we got there Mommy got sick.  She picked up the nasty bug that I had the day before we left.  I was only sick for 24 hours, but Mommy was sick for 2 days.  She had to go to the ER twice to get medicine and IV fluids.  Daddy and Pawpaw got a little sick too.  It wasn't the way we wanted to start the vacation, but we made the best of it.  These pictures were taken on our first day there.  Me, Daddy and Pawpaw went out exploring while Mommy stayed in bed.

Look over there.....
I saw a seagull - mine - mine - mine
Which way did he go???
I'm so tired from bringing in this big ole tuna
Check out what I landed
This is the pirate I met.  His name is Davey.
He let me touch his sword.

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