*I am able to put my toes in my mouth while laying down
*I am pretty close to rolling over from my back to my belly
*I am trying to sit up but fall forward or to the side after a second or two
*I enjoy playing on my belly now
*I am REALLY good at grabbing things - my hand/eye coordination is amazing
*I love to hold onto a toy and then throw/toss it to the ground
*I can transfer objects from hand to hand
*I can pull toys towards me and hold them tightly
*I like going for walks in my stroller
*I can hold my bottle for longer periods of time now, but still need help occasionally
*I drink 6 oz now from the bottle
*I can put my paci back in my mouth sometimes but not every time
*I LOVE to put absolutely everything in my mouth that I can pick up
*I am 'talking' constantly - ehhhhhhh is my favorite sound to make right now
*My eyes are still changing color - green with a little brown
*I still do not have much hair but it is growing slowly - it is brown with a little bit of auburn when the sun light hits it
*I still smile a lot and love to laugh
*I love to be tickled
*After I sneeze I always smile
*I nap in my crib - usually my naps come 2 hours after starting my bottle
*I sleep through the night - usually 9 hours
*I love sleeping with my arms out of the blanket & layed straight back above my head
*I love to look out at people and grin at them - I flirt a lot with the ladies
*I am wearing 3-6 month clothes
*I am in size 1 diapers
*I still enjoy listening to music and watching tv - the sounds & color excite me
*I still LOVE bath time & can sit up in the tub without help now
*After my bath I love for Mommy to clean out my ears with a q-tip
*I still droll a lot and have to keep a bib on all the time because of it and spitting up
*My acid reflux is even worse than last month. We have been back and forth to the doctor getting it checked out. I am now taking Prilosec 3 times a day (1.5 ml each time)
*I am awesome at taking the Prilosec out of the syringe. I do not need my paci anymore to make sure the medicine stays in my mouth
*I started rice cereal but do not really like it. Mommy thinks she is tricking me but I know she puts it in my bottle each night
*The doctor is a little concerned that I will not eat using a spoon - I close my mouth tight and turn my head from side to side - so I am seeing a food specialist in a few days to get checked out
*I still like drinking diluted apple juice
*I still really like gripe water - it calms me down if I am upset
*I have a few new toys that I enjoy playing with - my Johnny Jump Up (I don't really get the concept yet though), my exersaucer, my frog toy that is attached to my car seat
*I am now in daycare everyday & all day because Mommy is back at work
Here are my stats from my 6 month check up
Height - 24 3/4 in & 50%
Weight - 13 lbs 5 oz & 25%
Head Circumference - 41.2 cm & 30%
***These percentiles are all on the preemie growth chart***
Compared to my 4 month check up
Height - 23 1/4 in & 75%
Weight - 9 lbs 13.5 oz & 12%
Head Circumference - 38 cm & 25%
The immunizations I received at this appt were:
Rotateg, Pediarix, and Prevnar
Love that he says EHHHHH!!! :) :)