Sunday, June 12, 2011


So, I need to update you all on what is going on with me and my eating. Mommy noticed about a month ago that I was not eating off the spoon. When she would try to feed me I would clamp my lips shut and turn my head from side to side. Mommy mentioned it to my doctor. He wanted me to see a feeding therapist and get her opinion. Mommy and Daddy took me to see Ms. Joan & Ms. Lisa at Carolina Pediatric Dysphagia back on May 23rd. They both were concerned with how my tongue lays and how I swallow. Mommy and Daddy bought me a therapy spoon to eat with (it's flatter on the bottom than regular spoons) and a Nok brush that I use everyday to help my tongue and stretch out my checks (they are super tight).

I also had to go back to the hospital back on May 31st for a special test to watch me swallow. It's called a Barium Swallow Test which is a x-ray test to see my digestive tract (the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine). It showed that I am aspirating on thin liquids so Mommy and Daddy have to thicken all my bottles now.

Mommy takes me to feeding therapy once sometimes twice a week to help me re-teach my tongue how to work properly. I will update you all as new information comes about.

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