What's up Daddy! I have been looking for you the whole game and I finally found you!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
My second NHL hockey game
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
You Are My I Love You
I am your quiet place, you are my wild
I am your calm face, you are my giggle
I am your wait, you are my wiggle
I am your audience, you are my clown
I am your London Bridge, you are my falling down
I am your carrot sticks, you are my licorice
I am your dandelion, you are my first wish
I am your water wings, you are my deep
I am your open arms, you are my running leap
I am your way home, you are my new path
I am your dry towel, you are my wet bath
I am your dinner, you are my chocolate cake
I am your bedtime, you are my wide awake
I am your finish line, you are my race
I am your praying hands, you are my saving grace
I am your favorite book, you are my new lines
I am your nightlight, you are my sunshine
I am your lullaby, you are my peek-a-boo
I am your kiss goodnight, you are my I love you
-From You Are My I Love You
by MaryAnn K. Cusimano and Satomi Ichikawa
A friend sent this to me & I wanted to share it with all of you
Thursday, February 17, 2011
It fits now!
Riding in my stroller
Bath Time
3 Month Birthday
At 3 months old I can:
*hold my head up for 10-15 seconds at a time when I being held (sometimes longer and sometimes shorter)
*lift my head up when I'm on my belly & someones' shoulder
*smile when people (especially Mommy & Daddy) talk to me and make funny noises & sounds
*laughed 3 big laughs twice now
*starting to coo...I try really hard
*follow people and objects with my eyes
*take one of my hands (usually my right hand) and put it in my mouth
*slobber quite a bit
*drink about 4 ounces from a bottle
*sit up with help from my Bumbo chair
*play on my ocean play mat independently
*sit in my bouncy seat and entertain myself usually by sucking on my fingers
*sit in my swing for only 5-10 minutes (not a big fan of my swing yet)
*lay on my belly and back in my Boppy pillow
*love to snuggle and sleep in Mommy & Daddy's arms
*love to sleep on my belly while laying on Mommy & Daddy's chest
*sleep around 5 hours during the night in my bassinet in Mommy & Daddy's room
*suck on my paci, but it falls out of my mouth a lot
*starting to grab things (Mommy & Daddy's fingers and Mommy's hair are my favorites)
*LOVE listening to music...especially when I'm in my car seat
*likes riding in the car (most of the time)
*very active with my arms and legs when laying on my back or sitting in my bouncy seat
*always moving my hands and fingers
*can wiggle my way to the bottom of my bassinet
*love to look/watch lights and ceiling fans
*likes bath time
*still do not have much hair, but I do have a bald spot on the back of my head from me moving my head back & forth
*my eyes are starting to change color from blue to grey/green
*my finger nails grow like crazy so I'm constantly scratching my face even though Mommy & Daddy file them regularly
*like to stretch all the time with my hands above my head and tuck my knees to my chest
*push off with my feet...especially when I'm sitting up on Mommy's lap and being burped
*keep my toes clinched pretty much all the time
*am growing out of some of my newborn clothes, but can still wear most of them
*still wearing newborn size diapers
*cough 3 times when I'm really mad & then I cry/scream
At 3 months old I officially weigh 9 pounds, 5.5 ounces and 21 inches long. My doctor said I am 5th percentile in my growth. I am a little guy now, but the doctor thinks I will catch up by (or even before) I turn one year old.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The very next night Brian and Melissa stopped by my house after their early Valentine's dinner out. I had not seen them in quite a while so I enjoyed my snuggle time with them both. They kept saying how small I was, but that it looked like I was growing! Brian taught Mommy a new way to burp me (he said it worked great for Logan), but Mommy has tried it and it didn't work. I hope to have a play date with their two girls Logan and Austyn soon!
Saggy pants
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day
Saturday, February 12, 2011
My first laugh
My first trip to a Restaurant
Visiting with Mawmaw
We ended our visit together with good snuggle time and a nap. Thanks Mawmaw for coming to spend time with me and of course Mommy. Love you!!
Spending time with family
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
UNC vs Duke bball game
Hanging out in my bouncy seat with the game on the TV in the background.
Oh no...Duke is making a come back! Lets go Heels!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Hand and Foot Prints
My Coming Home Outfit
3 months old
Mommy wanted to add these pictures as well. I am really starting to smile a lot when someone talks to me. I am giving Mawmaw Deck a big smile and saying Thank You!!!